BBG Consulting


For the public's trust and safety, pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies and practitioners must remain in compliance with state and federal law. These companies in most cases have to police themselves usually with personnel not familiar or knowledgeable of how the system works. BBG Consulting personnel consists of experienced former US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agents and Diversion Investigators highly trained and focused ready aid those companies under scrutiny by state and federal authorities.

BBG Consulting conducts compliance reviews and inspections ensuring compliance for schedule II and III products, to include their security requirements. In addition, BBG Consultants offer consulting services to assist in the application process to become a DEA Registrant and offer opinions and recommendations to help companies navigate the bureaucratic environment. BBG Consulting will help write in house compliance protocols to ensure that your company meet and exceeds their compliance needs.

BBG is committed to integrity and solutions.